Happy Mother's Day to YOU!! This is the best way to try Paper Pumpkin. Only $5--do not delay it's only good until 6:50PM Mountain Time TONIGHT!! (for new subscribers only). The May kit has previewed and it is said to be uh-MAY-zing!! You will love getting a box of creativity delivered right to your door. There is no obligation to get more than one kit.
I hope you will choose me as your demonstrator when you sign up for this wonderful offer. You are welcome :-)
Now for today's project:
There's been a lot of distress in my friends' lives lately! But what an opportunity to take my gift of paper crafting and bring some cheer! This is when my creative juices really flow.
This box of fun is sure to bring a smile in a trying time. I hope you enjoyed looking! Please leave a comment, I love to read them ALL!

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